Thursday, August 30, 2007

Name Talk

Although we are being difficult yet again by not sharing the names we decide on until Tot is born, I'll indulge you with a glimpse into our brainstorming process. Nate's in charge of presenting Team Tot with a panel of boy names to chose from. He's used the internet as a guide to get him started. But when he's feeling either really creative or really stumped (I'll let you be the judge), he looks for inspiration from, you're not going to believe this, non-traditional sources. Like Red Sox players while watching a game. Or road signs. Or inanimate objects.

And when I say brainstorm, I do mean brainstorm in the purest sense of the word. No editing. All ideas are verbalized. Free-association style. The following are some gems he's thrown out there. For consideration / entertainment.

For extra fun, just add "Sylvester" to any of these while reading down the list. Enjoy.

Big Poppy
Youkilis, or "Yuke"

A random one that he just can't get enough of:

While driving home from Dairy Queen this evening, he looked to road and business signs:

As we pulled into our driveway, he looked internally. No, not within himself, but rather, the car.
That gave him:
and finally my favorite,

Nicky and Nate
30 weeks 2 days

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


That's the sound of me crying you a river.

I grunt a lot these days.
Bending over, turning over, reaching over.

I had always prided myself on my special talent of picking stuff up with my toes, but I've really been honing my skills lately with the added motivation of avoiding the bend-over. These toes can fetch socks, pencils, hiking boots, you name it. Okay, okay, I'm working on the hiking boots.

Thanks to, I guess, ligaments stretching, my right hip hurts. So depending on the degree of hip pain, I've got a very sexy limp.

I was feeling really good about remembering my vitamins about two-thirds of the days of the week, but my recent blood test revealed that my iron is low. Hmmmm... could that be adding to why Nicky feels like doing nothing but eating ice cream and sitting at the end of a work day? Or even in the beginning of it? And the record of all records: she took not one, but TWO naps this Saturday?

This could also be part of why I haven't gotten around to putting the brain cells together to muster up a blog entry.

But I was thinking about our original purpose for having this blog, and although it has served as a fun outlet for Nicky's creative writing energy, we really started it to help keep interested family and friends up-to-date on the need-to-know information about our pregnancy. Especially when we had so many significant family members living far away - it was important to us that everyone gets the same information at the same time. And we are aware that even though some folks live close by, we still don't see them as often as we'd like.

As I've been growing more physically uncomfortable, I've had writers block on how to share it. One never wants to be a complainer, but to omit these very real aspects of having such a huge change to the body is lacking authenticity. And my English teachers always said to "write what you know."

Emotionally, this pregnancy is also getting "bigger" - so big that I haven't known where to start to express all of the thoughts, fears, dreams, and musings enough to do it justice. Thus the lack of blog entries. The perfectionist in me is to blame.

So, while you may have enjoyed the tone of entries to date, I'm writing with a heads up that in order for me to write more frequent entries, I'm giving myself permission for them to not necessarily all come from the same writing formula.

And with that, I am pooped, or "bushed" as my dad says. As I write that, I realize that I don't think I've heard anyone else use that term in that way. Maybe they're out there, I just can't recall ever hearing it outside our family.

Oh and by the way,
we're THIRTY WEEKS tomorrow....
or "three quarters of the way through this thing"

Stay tuned for future posts on things I love:
Elastic waists

-Nicky and Nate

Monday, August 20, 2007

Big and only getting bigger

Finally took the time to take a belly pic... hope you enjoy.

Notes of late:
Nate's on his 6th annual Man Week vacation with the guys,
we had a Multi-Family garage sale this weekend,
and I harvested the first batch of tomatoes and peppers from the garden this weekend.
I also watched a birthing video earlier - we'll see what kind of dreams I have tonight...

I know, I know... this is all I have for an entry after such a drought...
but I'm going to try this crazy thing I've heard about called "Going to Bed Early Because I'm Tired."
Hey, I've got to do it while I can, right?

Nicky and Nate
28 weeks 5 days
Holy Mama

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

T Minus 3 Months

Yes, THREE MONTHS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that's if I deliver on time and not early...

I know some of you have heard me say this recently, but three months is seeming like a long amount of time in which to grow ever so gradually more uncomfortable and awkward... but a short amount of time in which to "get things done" on the OTP list. I know, I know, the proverbial in-box is never empty...

I've had some friends and family, through different conversations and e-mails, share LOADS of wisdom developed through their own trial-and-error experiences. They've also offered some reminders to cherish not only this special time, but the highlights of what's to come once Tot is part of the "outside world". I'm embarrassed to say I've had to pause and realize, oh yeah, you're right - this is an exciting life change and we're going to have a new little family member join us soon; this is not just an extra-important To-Do list! I don't think I'll shock anyone when I say that I come from very productive, task-oriented stock. Which has its merits and has served me well in life. It's also helpful to get those reminders to breathe and smile every once in a while. I've been taking these words of wisdom all in, and immensely appreciating every word.

But if you still MUST know about some of the successfully completed OTP tasks, read on:

We signed up for Lamaze, Breastfeeding, and Baby Care classes. Not sure if they think I'm a nerd already at the hospital, but hey, I figure why not soak up the knowledge. With my partner in crime by my side.

I had a VERY successful trip to BabyLand again today, this time with the help of my oh-so-experienced friend and mom of 3 months, Stephanie, to give me the low-down on what's a must, what's a bust, and to agree me with about how much this gig is a total racket. A MILLION thanks to her. I know that at some point, I, too, will be in her position in this cycle of new parents, passing on wisdom and goods. Priceless.

So right now our registry looks like we went around the store and selected every item with the parent-to-be zapper gun. But some of the items were temporarily selected as a reference... there is still tweaking to do.

I am also eternally grateful to friends and family that have lent maternity clothes. Every week I dip into the supply as my belly grows and the weather changes. WHAT a help.

Both grandmothers have gotten to feel Tot's kicks - my mom last night, Nate's mom tonight. VERY thrilling to share the joy :)

Tot's room has finished being painted "Celery Sprig", or "Celery Stalk" as Nate calls it. A million thanks to Aunt Leigh and Punchy for insisting that primer fumes are too strong for a pregnant lady, and doing all the prep work for the fun part of painting the color.

Tonight we picked up the tools and supplies leftover from the paint job, and next thing we know we were taking apart the twin bed that has been the main feature of our former "guest room". I was not planning on packing up that bed today, as it has also served as my late-night-reading getaway so as not to disturb Nate. But I guess the time would have come soon enough, anyway. So we put it in the attic, and will take it out again when Tot "graduates" to it once he or she gets too big for the crib. Wow.

So right now the room has, resting at the edges of the floor, the collection of baby books, some outfits, free stuff from BabyLand and prenatal visits, and a lamp. All I can think is that this room will never again be as empty as it is now. This room, and our lives, are about to get pretty darn full. Which is what we wanted. Although I'm very aware that we can not possibly have any concept of how full they really will be until we really get there.

I remember talking with Nate years ago about the idea of having kids, or not, and he said that while the time to start trying seemed pretty far in the future at the time, he anticipated that there would come a time that the status quo got pretty boring. To which I raised both eyebrows and suggested that having kids because we're "bored" doesn't sound very responsible or justified. I just KNEW he didn't really mean it that way. To which he clarified, "Well, no, it's just that I think we'd get to the point where it would seem like, there's something missing." That's more like it.

I forgot to take a belly pic this weekend, but take my word for it, I've got a belly. Looks a little bigger than the last pic.

Nicky and Nate
27 weeks tomorrow
And, did you know, we're in the last month before delivery that doesn't end in "-ber"...