Sunday, June 10, 2007

Same Mid-Section, Different Looks

So, I have to say, there are a lot of varying factors that play into how these belly pics come out. As I've been taking these oh-so-cute time lapse photos, for everyone else's enjoyment, and my amazement each time I look at the difference 2 weeks makes, I go through several takes to get the "right one".

There's the consideration of what time of day it is, so that the lighting is ideal. Because using the flash with the lights on is NOT the most flattering setting.
"Flattering?" you just asked in surprise. "Why does a pregnant woman care how her belly pics are coming out? Don't we want to see everything in all its glory??"
Um, No.
Proper lighting is ANYONE's friend when it comes to self-portraits.

Then there's the consideration of what time of day it is in relation to how much I've had to eat already. Seriously. Would you want to take a picture of your stomach right after Thanksgiving meal?? I didn't think so. And I've felt like taking it first thing in the morning, when I'm still feeling relatively petite, would be cheating. So I try to make it mid-day.

Then there's the big issue of proper breathing and consistent muscle engagement. (I do think I still have SOME of those in the region between my shoulders and hips.) I mean, I'm not going to be super-flexed like I indulged myself with at 9 weeks, but I'm not going to do a beer-gut impression, either. And I have to say, the larger I get, and the larger I feel, the less and less inclined I become to do any kind of "flexing". Why bother? So, that is all a lead up to this week's photo:

Compared to 2 weeks ago, below.

As you can see, a fourth issue I've wrestled with lately is what to do with my arms. I know, I know - this has gotten pretty complex hasn't it?

I also wanted to see if I was still able to make a "Flexed" pic, like I did at 9 weeks. Yes, the lines are straighter than above, but there's a bit more content than at 9 weeks.

I considered putting the camera timer on the "2 second" setting instead of the whole "10 seconds" I usually use, to decrease the chance that I pass out while holding my breath for that take. I only did one of those. Thank god it came out the first time.

A pregnancy milestone this week:
On Friday I got my first "Are you pregnant?" inquiry from a stranger. Well, not quite STRANGER, but not someone who would not have known otherwise by hearing from me directly or through the grapevine of family and friends. Yes, the bartender at the Liberal Cup has the honor of being the first to ask me that question, upon serving me a non-alcoholic beer. The past few times we've been there I've ordered a soda, which felt annoying and lame, (I know, I know, it's for a good reason...) and wasn't enough of a flag for to ask anything outright (the horrors, if she was wrong). All I got those times were a surprised and confused look. But a non-alcoholic beer, I mean, come ON.
So, I think I can psychologically graduate to the new phase of exuding the message: "LOOK! I'M SHOWING! MY BELLY IS STICKING OUT AND IT'S NOT JUST THE HUGE BOWL OF MAC AND CHEESE I JUST ATE FOR LUNCH! IT'S MY BABY AND I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT IT!"

All of this is to preface that I simply HAD to capture the "Thanksgiving-Meal-Stomach Look". Just to give you the full range of what my mid-section can do.

I am well aware that I could have kept that gem to myself and only showed you those pretty, soft-lighting profiles, so that you picture my hair up in a bun and running - I mean walking, of course - in a white sundress through a field of wildflowers, basket of flowers in one hand, patting my other hand on my precious "baby-bump" which is slowly but steadily growing. And, of course, growing GRACEfully. But, I'm Nicky, so I don't do many things gracefully.

Note that the most hilarious aspect of this picture, to me, is that I have ECLIPSED the light coming through the window, and that ALL THREE takes in the "Thanksgiving-Meal Stomach Look" series had the same profile-only effect.

What woman would ever want to put a picture of herself like this on the internet besides a pregnant woman?? Or, I should change that to say, Pregnant Nicky?? Because MOST self-respecting women would spare their family and friends these viewings, while keeping their dignity intact. But I think I established a long time ago that dignity is boring, and doesn't inspire people to LOL, if you will. Or write in with comments that inspire me to continue looking at my life, more so than usual, with my beloved "Humor Lenses". These things allow me to see how almost anything could be shared with my nearest and dearest for a laugh.

Nicky and Nate
18 weeks 2 days
Or, "1 week and 5 days from HALF WAY through this thing"
if you want to look at it that way.