Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Spring Break in St.Paul

Well despite the recent Nor'Easter, we made it back home last night safe and sound. It was a fine trip indeed.

Some highlights:

Not experiencing a plane crash or any other travelling distaster on Friday the 13th. Yes, I get a little superstitious about these things.

Practically announcing to my first stranger that I was pregnant, by openly reading my pregnancy magazines and books right next to him on the plane.

Being greeted by "Top Hat Guy" at the Saint Paul Hotel (if you squint you can make out the top hat in the picture).

Walking through the streets of St. Paul and appreciating the impressive architecture, and the laid-back pace at which people walked. Nate might have a different take on the pace issue.

Being able to eat lunch while sitting on a park bench in the sun without a winter coat on. And being relatively comfortable.

Happening upon Mickey's Diner after walking the streets for an hour looking specifically for a diner, since it was 10 am and we were starving and didn't want to get a muffin at Starbucks and it was too early for lunch.

Wearing his and hers Saint Paul Hotel bathrobes, because they were there.

Getting to see a great number of young couples, stroller in tow, looking like relatively normal and cool people - not too much like the haggard and hairied picture that some paint of new parenthood.

Going to the Minnesota Museum of Science and learning that Nate's wingspan is almost that of a Bald Eagle, and mine is not quite that of Turkey Vulture. And approximating that Chester is the size of a Dessert Sparrow's egg. Or thereabouts.

Of course, the "mission" of the whole trip: the Prairie Home Companion show. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. Okay, I'm actually pretty cold here at home in Maine and my afghan's not helping a whole lot. But it was a great show experience. They sell drinks in the lobby while you're waiting, and you can take them with you to enjoy during the show. ! Not to rub it in a pregnant lady's face or anything. Great music, skits, musical guests, Lake Wobegon monologue. Garrison DIDN'T read our message... I'm working on forgiving him for passing ours up in favor of very boring, not at all funny ones. Okay, there was one about a grandmother saying hello to her grandchildren and reminding them that she still has Christmas lights to come help take off her house. But that was the only funny one I remember. Anyway - I know, forgiveness takes time.

Experiencing the Mall of America, complete with in-mall aquarium and amusement park, which we availed ourselves of. This is also where Nicky was able to pay an extra $6.00 to find out that the "Extreme Trampoline" is not exactly her bag these days.

Getting the window seat from my dear husband for the last leg of our trip - the Greyhound from Boston to Augusta. Better to lean with, better to sleep with.

Riding the T from Logan to South Station. All by ourselves. Amy Whitman will appreciate that accomplishment.

Learning that we'll probably not bother with bus travel again in the future, or at least without extended layovers in between connections. Oy vey. A valuable lesson.

Realizing that we will probably not be staying in a hotel again for a very, very long time that features a Top Hat Guy and in-room bathrobes. Very. Long. Time.

Celebrating 12 years together - yes, you read that right - and being thankful to have this time together. Because as a co-worker friend of mine said today, "This shouldn't come as a surprise to you, but you're not going to get that time with just each other again for a long time!" Thanks for the insight, Vicki P. Didn't see that one coming.

Oh and one more time milestone: celebrating making it "10 weeks" on Friday the 13th... we're in the double digits now, baby. And in the 10th week, Chester has been compared in size on the BabyCenter website to, I am not making this up, a KUMQUAT.
I kind of like Dessert Sparrow egg better.
(Kumquat image not actual size.)

Look what else one gets when one Googles Kumquat images:

Miss Kumquat Festival
Melissa Marcus
University of Miami
Twirl/Baton-And Im Telling You
Children to Children - Making a Better Life for Children in Foster Care

People, this is straight from the Miss Florida 2005 Highlights page. I do not make this stuff up.