Wednesday, July 4, 2007

That's a good question...

The same 5-year-old sister who asked Nate this winter, "Why is your nose so big? Why does it have a bump, right there?" (pointing to the distinguished architecture of his profile) asked me yesterday:

"Does the baby fart in your belly?"

As well as:
"Is the baby farting in your belly?"
"Can the baby fart in your belly?"
"Does the baby fart in your belly when you fart?"

Now hold it right there. I do not fart.

My little sister and brother, and oh yeah, Dad and step mom, are back in the states, living 4 miles down the road.
After traveling for almost 2 days, they made it in last night. We visited the jet-lagged family within 2 hours of them arriving, and instead of being tired, cranky kids, they were off-the-wall energetic and entertaining. Lilo showed us how she can burp the alphabet. Alex engineered a marble obstacle course, or worked on "saving the world" as Nate put it based on the concentration he gave to the project.

I'm guessing Nate's pretty thankful for this baby distraction so that Lilo will let up on the nose issue. At least for a while.

And if the baby ends up getting Nate's nose, hopefully Lilo will be a little kinder to her niephew.

Nate and Nicky
22 weeks
Happy 4th of July!