Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mommy and Daddy get out of Dodge

In looking at our calendar in the Biggest Countdown of Our Lives, we determined that if we were going to take one last kid-free or childcare-arranged-free excursion, this was the weekend to do it. You could call this an observance of our 5-year wedding anniversary, or you could call it our Babymoon, but in any case we've put the necessary planning elements together that will allow us to fill up the cat bowls with extra food and water and spend a weekend elsewhere.

The search for where to go centered mostly on what we'd want to do, or rather, be able to do. You know, given my condition and all.

I have felt supremely lazy, which rules out hikes. Sorry, Mt. Katahdin. Maybe... some other time. And, it's tough to plan something that depends on being outdoors anyway due to our not-always cooperative Maine weather. I did look into pregnancy massages, which I think I'll treat myself to sometime before D-Day, but not this weekend, since that only involves one of us.
So, what could we do, what could we do, I wondered as I searched the internet...
I determined I wanted a change of scenery, but didn't want to "over schedule" us, and pay for two nights away (as we've recently been doing budget projections for a minor life change coming up). I could stroll around somewhere, but would want sitting breaks, in case I was having a Bad Hip Day. Eating good food was, of course, a requirement. Exploring somewhere that we haven't been before would be nice. So that brought me to looking into coastal Maine towns... and can I just tell you how much I love the internet. Guess what appeared as I searched "things to do in Camden Maine"... this weekend only:

"Join us for the weekend in beautiful Camden for a food festival that has something for everyone."

It's the Maine Fare festival, and Mommy and Daddy have tickets to experience all that fresh Maine food has to offer. And stroll around Camden, and take sitting breaks. I know, I know, it's no Prairie Home Companion trip... sigh... (hey I see those eyes rolling - the nerdiness is overwhelming, isn't it?) but this was right up our alley for what we were able to do this weekend. Given my, you know, condition.

And if Nate were to write this blog entry, it would go something like this:

"The Old Lady and I are going to this thing this weekend. She can't do much these days, so I figured I'd roll her around the streets of Camden and take eating breaks. Yadda yadda yadda, the best part is we're going to 'Beer, Breads and Sausages' Saturday night and I get to have all of her beer and she drives to the hotel."

And speaking of food...
That's a whole lot of mac'n'cheese in there.

Au Revior,
Nicky and Nate
32 weeks 3 days