Wednesday, May 2, 2007


So I've recently learned how to make hard-boiled eggs.

I know. I'm 31 years old, and I had to look it up on the internet.

I feel more prepared for parenthood than I was two weeks ago, now that I can cross this off my list of things I've never done prior to being responsible for another human being. And teaching them things. Like how to hard-boil an egg.

Today is my little brother Alex's (blanking out on the correct use of apostrophe) 7th birthday. Actually, in his time zone, his birthday has come and gone. But I just wanted to give a shout out to my little bro who will be also an uncle this year. He lost his second tooth this weekend, but the toothfairy forgot to pay him a visit. I was told that it was because he went to bed too late that night, and that the tooth fairy probably tried to deliver his present earlier in the evening when he should have been in bed, but couldn't since he was still awake. WOW the parent logic to explain events like this astounds me. I can't wait to test my skills at such feats.

So back to the egg subject. I boiled two last night, planning to bring one to work with me today to have with lunch. My first attempt, a week or so ago, to crack the successfully hard-boiled egg, was a pretty shoddy job. Tons of tiny pieces of egg shell to make sure I didn't eat, sticking to my fingers, etc. I guess it was weighing on my mind pretty heavily, because last night I had a dream that, are you ready for this, I tapped my hard-boiled egg a few times, and it came apart in two big clean pieces. Viola. And today, the process went much more smoothly than the last time.
Wow, if I can boil AND crack an egg, I can do anything. Bring on parenthood.