Thursday, July 26, 2007

Baker's Dozen

"You're making me look like a real dink on the blog, there."

This is Nate's way of telling me he's read the latest entry.

"I'm sorry, did I mis-quote you?"

"Well, you took it out of context."

Context? Umm, you basically said my boobs were not as big as big as you might have expected as a side-perk, if you will, to this whole pregnancy deal.

Sure, I'm just as bummed as you are that we have not been "visited by the Titty Fairy" as one of the husbands in The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy refers to the condition of being pregnant. But jeez, man, do me a favor and hide it a little better, will ya?

Really, I'm not losing sleep over it. The most entertaining part of this exchange for me, besides the fact that it inspired a verbal reaction from Nate about the blog, was that he used the word "dink". We've been together for darn near a baker's dozens' worth of years, and I don't know if I've heard him say "dink" before. And the first several years were college years. You know, the crass party years when you're living on your own without supervision, so to make the most of it, you bring back bad words you first learned in middle school and use them just because you can. You know they sound elementary but they're just so ridiculous you can't help using them, especially when you see how much it makes your friends crack up. Oh wait, not everyone did that? Just Nicky and the guys? Oh- Well then; ahem... I promise I'll try to keep them to a minimum. Although, it's a little too late now, having used "boob" and "titty" in the past couple of entries. But technically, I WAS QUOTING OTHER PEOPLE.

Baker's dozen is also a fun phrase to use but for different reasons. A) It makes me feel like I have an advanced command of the English language B) It makes you stop for about .3 seconds to make sure you know how many a baker's dozen is so that you can follow along with the conversation and C) for some reason it makes me think of a jolly round pastry chef with a puffy white hat holding a box of 13 glazed donuts - the kind with pink icing and sprinkles, that I wouldn't actually like the taste of, but have always thought look pretty.

Okay I hope you've enjoyed this segment of "Nicky's Active Procrastination of OTP Activities".

This weekend we're headed to Babies'R'Us, or "Babyland" as Nate calls it, to immerse ourselves in the foreign world of baby stuff. I will need to keep reminding myself that I'm not there to get stuff for someone else's baby... it's really and truly to look at stuff for OUR baby... holy moly.

Nicky and Nate
25 weeks 1 day