Monday, April 30, 2007

Buh Bye Waist

So I've gotten several recommendations to take "belly pics" of the expansion project underway.
I look forward to having something more exciting to show in the future. In the meantime, for my own indulgence in vanity, I needed to document the "before" pictures. These were taken a couple of weeks ago.

Yes, I am sucking in and flexing with every fiber of my being. I was able to hold that pose for the 10 seconds before the camera timer went off. I was only sore for 3 days after this photo session. Nonetheless, I felt the need to have, in black and white, proof that at one time in my life, I had a waist. A little, "Look-what-Mommy's-stomach-could-do-way-back when" story to tell. Not that I would make it into a bedtime story. I'd just recall it in my own mommy mind.

I'm at the stage right now where I'd really like to be "showing," so I don't go back and forth between wondering if my pants are on the tight side because I just had a big lunch, or if it's just the accumulation of too many avocados and crab rangoons, and not enough ab work. And by not enough, I mean, I think I did some time in 2006, but... I couldn't narrow it down to a month for you. But hey, once you've been with someone for 12 years, you can let it all hang out, right? Right, honey? No wonder he doesn't want to write a blog entry - this is dangerous territory for the partner of a pregnant woman.

However, I've already received a goldmine of comments from others out there.
I don't know if they're trying to be supportive by offering up observations about my appearance, to help me feel like it's more real, or what. In any case, the gems include:

"Oh my gosh, is that a little pooch? Look at that!!"

"Are you showing yet?" followed by a complete matter-of-fact: "Let me see. " Meaning, and I am NOT making this up, "Lift up your shirt so I can see your bare stomach and decide for my unprofessional self if you are showing." Did I lift my shirt up? Yes I did. I was in too much shock to respond otherwise! And do you know the other priceless part of this interaction was? That it took place IN THE STAFF KITCHEN AT WORK.

And my personal favorite:
"Um, can I tell you something? I know you don't think you are, but you're totally showing."

The comments listed above have inspired me to develop my own personal rule to offer to the general population. Whether you apply this to me, or to any other woman you interact with for the rest of your life, I implore you to consider this rule before you speak:

Until a pregnant woman says to you, "LOOK! I'M SHOWING! MY BELLY IS STICKING OUT AND IT'S NOT JUST THE HUGE BOWL OF MAC AND CHEESE I JUST ATE FOR LUNCH! IT'S MY BABY AND I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT IT!" it is NOT adviseable to tell a woman that she looks like she's pregnant. Even if she's happy about being pregnant.

Ahhh the joys of early pregnancy.

Okay, as fascinating as it is to read about how Nicky feels about her waist, I will include for you an actual medical update - our second prenatal visit was today. The midwife used the doppler device to help us hear Chester's heartbeat, which was in the 150-160 beats/minute range. You should have seen Nate's face. "It's official!" he said - meaning, we made it through the first trimester, and things seem to be going along fine.

And to answer another common question we're getting, we have still not decided whether or not we will find out the baby's sex. It wouldn't be until the 20 week ultrasound anyway, but we still have some talking to do on the subject. I'm leaning toward yes, Nate's leaning toward no, so time will tell. It's a tough one, so we're also asking for a refrain from lobbying either way, as tempting as it may be!

Okay - that's it for now. Unless,,, you wouldn't want to hear about one of my wacked out pregnancy dreams, would you? Okay okay I'll share. The SHORT version is, we were having people over for dinner, although my sister Leigh had cooked two of the dishes. She was unveiling one dish, which was a very large carrot that had been roasted in the oven. As she put it on the table, I saw the carrot move, and then to my horror a black lizard squirmed out of it and onto the floor, and was slithering/running around our house as I SCREAMED at the top of my lungs because I was so grossed out. Curiously, Leigh didn't seem as alarmed as I was. But I could tell that she hadn't meant for that to happen. As the lizard ran around the house it became obvious that this was no ordinary lizard. After all, it had survived being cooked in the oven for an hour. But as it ran around, it grew bigger and bigger, and we wanted to get it out of the house, but no one wanted to come in contact with it. So we opened the doors and tried to steer it out. Then it changed into a cat, that looked like our cat Toonces. Then the demonic lizard cat and Toonces started to fight; then the demonic lizard cat ran out of the house, but Toonces followed it, so I ran after her because I didn't want her to get hit by a car. I also wanted to kill the demonic lizard cat if I was able, but it turns out it belonged to a neighbor of ours, who could tell what my plan was. So he started chasing me, and we ran so far away from my house that it turned into night time, and I couldn't tell where I was, and I knew I needed shelter for the evening but I couldn't tell what houses were okay to knock at for help, and which were unsafe. I don't know if I ever caught Toonces, or killed the demonic lizard cat, or lived through the night. Because then I woke up.
Don't ask.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Bucket Loader

I got back from my conference late Tuesday night, and have been ruminating about my next blog entry ever since.

Guess who won a registration to next year’s conference: yours truly. And guess where it’s being held: in Minneapolis, the twin city to St.Paul, Minnesota! I know, the irony is overwhelming.

As much as people don’t want to hear a pregnant woman talk about miscarriage, I think abortion rates a few thousand times higher up on the list of things that people don’t want to hear about at all, much less from a pregnant woman.

No, this isn’t what I thought I’d be blogging about on my 12-week anniversary mark, but it’s been weighing on me, so much so that I feel like I couldn’t simply jump back into some funny blog entry before I address an issue that is bigger than just me and my anecdotes.

The conference that I went to was the Annual Meeting/Conference of the National Abortion Federation (NAF). Last week’s Supreme Court decision to uphold the “Partial Birth” Abortion Ban was a heavy pre-cursor to the NAF conference. I’ve experienced the range of feeling completely helpless and depressed that this right will disappear again within my lifetime, to feeling inspired and connected to others around the country who are committed to doing the work of helping women.

Yes, it’s difficult to read or hear about the procedure. Of course it is.

And yes, it sounds like the kind of thing that is so rare, it would never affect any one of us in our little circles directly.

But the most alarming part of this ruling to me is that it is absolutely just the first step of the process in the very organized plan to “chip away” at the right that already exists. In a way that does not make headlines like the Virginia Tech shootings, Hurricane Katrina, 9-11, or over-turning Roe v. Wade outright.

And that’s exactly how the American people are going to lose a fundamental right without even noticing, before it’s too late.

Even though, in my supervisor Kate’s words, this ruling was so much more than just “chipping” away at the right. “It’s more like taking a bucket loader to it!” as she so astutely described it.

With vague language and no health exception, it begins a slippery slope of what other aspects of abortion will be banned. Which broadens the circle of those it affects.

Because one third of all women WILL have an abortion in the course of their lifetime, it’s likely that the issue WILL hit close to home for almost everyone, at some point, in some way, in their life time, if it hasn’t already. Whether it’s yourself, your sister, daughter, wife, girlfriend, cousin, mother, grandmother, co-worker, or friend.

As a male doctor at the conference said, “Abortion is not just a women’s issue, it’s a family issue. It affects all of us.” And that includes the men in our lives: husbands, boyfriends, brothers, sons, fathers, cousins, grandfathers, co-workers, and friends.

And to lessen the distance that people may feel to an issue that may seem peripheral, I also wanted to share on a personal level that abortion is not something that just happens in the movies, or in big cities, or far away states. Part of what I do every week is help women through the abortion process. From talking with them before hand, attending to them during their abortion, and caring for them afterward, I see a great diversity of women each week: teenagers, pre-menopausal women, mothers, teachers, nurses, business owners, exchange students, women of all religions, and every imaginable birth control method failure possible, even vasectomy.

It’s hard not to grow resentful of the sense that those of us who do this work should be “quiet” about it, so as not to upset people, or appear distasteful, or boat-rocking, or radical.

So, after 4 and a half years of doing this work, I’m “coming out” and putting a face to the abortion issue, so that people see that even “a nice girl like Nicky does that kind of work”.

My co-workers and I say all the time that we feel privileged and honored to help women in the way that we do. Their stories are profound and compelling, and their gratitude to us and for the right to have control over their lives is overwhelming.

And speaking of co-workers, I am beyond lucky to work with the most amazing women ever. They are incredibly compassionate, hardworking, hilarious, eloquent, genuine superwomen. We are a fabulous team, and we appreciate each other and the very privileged jobs we share.

I wanted to make sure that I was not just writing this to relieve myself of a weight, but rather that I was doing my part to further awareness and understanding of, again, what can seem like a “peripheral” issue.

So I plead to all who read this to have their eyes and ears open to what’s happening in our government, because mine got opened real wide this week.

For more info or getting involved:

-Nicky and Nate

12 weeks 1 day, finally

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Another Brief Blog Break

Just a quick dream recall before I leave for a work conference for a few days, thereby creating what could be considered just the "lull" Nate's been waiting for. I COULD have skipped this entry, which would have left almost an entire week blog-free.... but that would have been WAY too long for my taste. I wouldn't want all of this pregnancy energy to be bottled up for that long with no blog outlet, now would I?

This was a couple of nights ago - we were shopping in some store that's like Reny's, only it was even more disorganized than Reny's. It was run by people with varying degrees of mental illness and/or mental delay, and they didn't have a real system for actually collecting money for what they were "selling". So it was kind of a free for all, unless you were a good Samaratin and used the honor system. They were all very friendly and you could tell they loved their job, but it was a chaotic atmosphere. Their clothes selection consisted of maybe 20 garments total, mens/womens/childrens, and you couldn't tell if they were new or used, and they were folded up and placed on a table, so if you wanted to pick one up to see the full garment, you just had to fold it back up and put it back on the table the way it was once you were done. No clothes racks with hangers.

The thing that sticks out most about the dream was the fact that they were having this big "sale" on Christmas stuff, and there was this sense that the sale was because they thought Christmas was right around the corner. However, it was real time: April. But no one had the heart to tell them the truth; instead we just all cashed in on amazing "deals". The big item they were trying to move, was literally a huge item: this hanging plastic bag/mural thing with Christmas pictures on it, and 24 rectangle pouches, 12"x16"in size, filled with chocolate candies. So, stepping back to look at it, I surmised that it was the world's largest advent calendar, and instead of getting just one chocolate per night after opening the window, you got a bag that weighed approximately 8 pounds. Of chocolate. But, it was the unfortunate kind of bad chocolate - you know, some random cheap brand that makes chocolate with a taste that's just a bit "off". But hey, at least you got a lot of it. I woke up before finding out if I was the sucker who took this item off their hands, so we'll never know.

And don't worry Mom, I am fine with the usual advent calendars you send us each year with small windows and no bad chocolate. REALLY.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Where's Nate?

Last night we went over to Nate's cousin's and cousin-in-law's place to see their new baby Lia, who of course, is adorable. Very alert and personable - and hungry! Kate also loaded me up with more maternity clothes - THANKS again!! AND some cocoa butter lotion - better to prevent stretch marks with. Nothing like passing on the wisdom and goods from one new parent to a fellow future-parent. We were talking about our blog, and Nate was saying that he'll "jump in sometime - he's waiting for a lull".......... Well, you might want to just jump in anyway, honey, because I'm having fun with this thing.

Right now he's watching the first of two back-to-back weeknight Seinfeld re-runs, otherwise known as his "favorite time of day". This is the episode where George records himself singing a variation of the Great American Superhero theme song as the outgoing message on his answering machine: "Believe it or not, George isn't at home, Please leave a messaaaage, at the beep. I must be out, or I'd pick up the phone, Wheerrreee ccoouuuuld I beee? Believe it or not, I'm not home." It's also one of my favorite times of day because even though he's seen these shows a hundred times, he still laughs out loud several times per episode, which is a sound that I never get sick of.

Okay - pregnancy symptom vignette.
Remember how I mentioned crying unabashedly at random scenes from Happy Feet?
Well - I think I can top that now.
Yes, I could retain a shred of dignity and, once again, keep this to myself, but frankly that's boring and has not been my M.O. thus far. So, enjoy:

I was driving out to see my sister Emi yesterday to visit and help her with wedding stuff. And since most days of the week, I only drive 7.5 miles each way to work and back, I don't get a lot of "alone time with the radio" per se. And, I have been known to be moved by a good song anyway, even pre-pregnancy. But this was a 35 minute drive, and WBLM is in the middle of their annual "Best of the Blimp A-Z" where they play every single song they have in their archive in order of song title, which takes about a month to do. So we're getting to hear some real classics.
But I wasn't prepared for this one to turn on the water works. Are you ready?

Proud Mary, by Ike and Tina Turner. Bawled like a baby.

You don't think I would kid about this, do you?

Okay, for more of a visual: It was a great archived live version of the song, complete with Tina's fabulous intro about how they never do anything "easy" but that they were going to start this song out nice and "easy", and then... get... nice and... "rough". In only a way that Tina can say, in that breathy talking-instead-of-singing-the-intro kind of way.
So they start out, nice and easy, and you're just feelin' it...
And then, the tempo speeds up, and you can just picture Tina shakin' her thing... and she starts belting out the "rough" part, and I LOSE it....

Lose it... because, I, umm... that's the thing - you can't explain pregnancy mood outbursts. Because I really liked the song? I know - any guy reading this is already seriously questioning the likelihood that I will be a fit mother.

I know that on some level, I can identify my deep down desire to be able to sing and shake it like that in front of a crowd like Tina and not have the audience wonder if they've mistakenly stumbled into an American Idol audition.
So, I guess the tears are in part from a sense of loss and acceptance that that will never be for me. And admiration for those who can.
Nonetheless, it was a killer combo that forced me to pull it together in the parking lot before I had to go into a convenience store on the way, sans sunglasses. But it wasn't my local store - more in Emi's neighborhood - so I didn't care too much if people could tell that I'd just had a moment. A moment with Tina.

Side note - I apologize to all of you who may be receiving this notice too late,
but Emi mentioned seeing the Prairie Home Companion movie recently, after reading our blog entries, and I cringed to hear this news. I realized that there are probably a few others of you, a few too many, who I did not reach in time to warn that the MOVIE is not at all on Nicky's list of recommended media. I don't know why Garrison Keillor thought he could or should try to translate the time-honored radio show into a movie. It was rambling, frustrating and confusing. I also cringe to think that there might be those of you out there who only saw the movie, still unfamiliar with the radio show, and thought that it reflected our taste. Again, it does not. Okay moving on...

Okay the LAST thing I'll mention about this show is that, upon RETURNING from our "pilgrimage" to see the show as a friend put it, I received notification of receipt of the message that we sent on-line, and said that it may be read on THIS week's show... Great, Thanks a lot guys... SO, I'll be tuning in again this week, and just wanted to mention it for those of you bored enough to try listening again :) And no, Steve, there won't be any fiddlers on this week's show as far as I know.

Okay really now - I think Nate's regretting having started this blog on account of how much time I'm spending on it, cutting into our usual time devoted to talking about our deepest and darkest feelings. Okay honey, I'm signing off now... here comes quality time!

Nicky and Nate -
let's just call it 11 weeks, because that's what it is tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Third Wheel

This dream was actually two nights ago and I've been debating whether or not I should share it, but frankly, I consider it too good to keep to myself, in the way of it rating high on the I-Couldn't-Make-This-Up-If-I-Tried scale.

Background - for those of you not already aware, I developed a bit of a thing for Heath Ledger years ago. Yes, he's had some unfortunate roles such as the ridiculous Knight's Tale (the only movie I've ever paid to watch in the theater twice in one day - although I wasn't alone!!). But Mmm mmm, any time he gets to use his Aussie accent, I don't care how bad the writing is. And yes, Nate is aware of this. I'm sure some day he'll share all about his crushes... ahem, Sarah Jessica Parker and Tina Fey.

Anyway - one recent movie he was in, in which he put together some kind of wierd midwestern accent that was a bit distracting, was Brokeback Mountain. Which is also the setting for my dream.

So basically, I was in this movie also, as a cowgirl friend of Heath and Jake's characters. There was this sense that Heath and I had some kind of romantic history, but presently we were just friends. Like Jerry and Elaine. Although, if I was really honest with myself, I had to admit that I still had feelings for him. BUT I did not let them be known, as it was becoming apparent that he had feelings for Jake, and Jake had feelings for him. So, I woefully submitted to knowing that my love would never be requited, because I could see how happy they were together and I didn't want to burden Heath with the knowledge that I wasn't over him. I knew that I should just let him be happy.

So, that was it.
Okay, after re-reading that I realize that you might be a little bored, and either let down or thankful that it wasn't a more detailed dream. But I just couldn't get over being in a hollywood movie - the one where, in the end, the guy gets the guy and the girl is left on the sidelines.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Spring Break in St.Paul

Well despite the recent Nor'Easter, we made it back home last night safe and sound. It was a fine trip indeed.

Some highlights:

Not experiencing a plane crash or any other travelling distaster on Friday the 13th. Yes, I get a little superstitious about these things.

Practically announcing to my first stranger that I was pregnant, by openly reading my pregnancy magazines and books right next to him on the plane.

Being greeted by "Top Hat Guy" at the Saint Paul Hotel (if you squint you can make out the top hat in the picture).

Walking through the streets of St. Paul and appreciating the impressive architecture, and the laid-back pace at which people walked. Nate might have a different take on the pace issue.

Being able to eat lunch while sitting on a park bench in the sun without a winter coat on. And being relatively comfortable.

Happening upon Mickey's Diner after walking the streets for an hour looking specifically for a diner, since it was 10 am and we were starving and didn't want to get a muffin at Starbucks and it was too early for lunch.

Wearing his and hers Saint Paul Hotel bathrobes, because they were there.

Getting to see a great number of young couples, stroller in tow, looking like relatively normal and cool people - not too much like the haggard and hairied picture that some paint of new parenthood.

Going to the Minnesota Museum of Science and learning that Nate's wingspan is almost that of a Bald Eagle, and mine is not quite that of Turkey Vulture. And approximating that Chester is the size of a Dessert Sparrow's egg. Or thereabouts.

Of course, the "mission" of the whole trip: the Prairie Home Companion show. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. Okay, I'm actually pretty cold here at home in Maine and my afghan's not helping a whole lot. But it was a great show experience. They sell drinks in the lobby while you're waiting, and you can take them with you to enjoy during the show. ! Not to rub it in a pregnant lady's face or anything. Great music, skits, musical guests, Lake Wobegon monologue. Garrison DIDN'T read our message... I'm working on forgiving him for passing ours up in favor of very boring, not at all funny ones. Okay, there was one about a grandmother saying hello to her grandchildren and reminding them that she still has Christmas lights to come help take off her house. But that was the only funny one I remember. Anyway - I know, forgiveness takes time.

Experiencing the Mall of America, complete with in-mall aquarium and amusement park, which we availed ourselves of. This is also where Nicky was able to pay an extra $6.00 to find out that the "Extreme Trampoline" is not exactly her bag these days.

Getting the window seat from my dear husband for the last leg of our trip - the Greyhound from Boston to Augusta. Better to lean with, better to sleep with.

Riding the T from Logan to South Station. All by ourselves. Amy Whitman will appreciate that accomplishment.

Learning that we'll probably not bother with bus travel again in the future, or at least without extended layovers in between connections. Oy vey. A valuable lesson.

Realizing that we will probably not be staying in a hotel again for a very, very long time that features a Top Hat Guy and in-room bathrobes. Very. Long. Time.

Celebrating 12 years together - yes, you read that right - and being thankful to have this time together. Because as a co-worker friend of mine said today, "This shouldn't come as a surprise to you, but you're not going to get that time with just each other again for a long time!" Thanks for the insight, Vicki P. Didn't see that one coming.

Oh and one more time milestone: celebrating making it "10 weeks" on Friday the 13th... we're in the double digits now, baby. And in the 10th week, Chester has been compared in size on the BabyCenter website to, I am not making this up, a KUMQUAT.
I kind of like Dessert Sparrow egg better.
(Kumquat image not actual size.)

Look what else one gets when one Googles Kumquat images:

Miss Kumquat Festival
Melissa Marcus
University of Miami
Twirl/Baton-And Im Telling You
Children to Children - Making a Better Life for Children in Foster Care

People, this is straight from the Miss Florida 2005 Highlights page. I do not make this stuff up.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Do not be alarmed...

...We're just going to Minnesota for the weekend...

thus a few more blog-less days at The Sylvestieu Times.

More details upon our return, but wanted to check in before we check out.

At the moment my excitement of our upcoming trip is a little overshadowed by the fatigue of packing, but I AM quite... excited about it. (Even though, with the help of the Thesaurus, I couldn't find a suitable adjective for "excited". And I just don't have the energy to think it up. I do like "aflame" though. Anyway.) This is a trip we booked 2 days before we learned of being pregnant. It was one of those "Gotta do it while we can" kind of things.

The reason for the trip? Okay, the subtitle of this blog:
"NERD ALERT!" (read with English accent a la Austin Powers).......
We're going to see a live broadcast of A Prarie Home Companion at the Fitzgerald Theater in St.Paul. I won't go into my reasons for loving this weekly radio show at this time, but suffice it to say I love it enough to fly to Minnesota for a long weekend to see it, thus crossing off an entry from my "life list" as put by a co-worker friend of mine. And somewhere along the line, Nate became enough of a fan to humor me in this endeavor.

Tune in if you can, as they read greetings from listeners, and we've sent one hoping it will be read on air! In Maine it's on LIVE at 6pm Saturday night, and re-broadcast at noon on Sunday.
Click here to find your local station and broadcast times. Click here to find out how to listen live online.

Okay, are you asleep yet??

Tune in for all the “exciting” stories we get from this trip, as well as maybe, just maybe, some updated pictures of us…

--Nicky and Nate

9 weeks 5 days, otherwise known as

2 weeks 2 days until 12 weeks

or, “about a quarter of the way through this thing” as a co-worker of Nate’s pointed out recently. To which Nate said, “That’s a freaky way to think of it”

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Nicky's Perfect Pregnant Friday Night

Friday was one of my tired days.
Luckily, I knew that this weekend was, for the most part, unspoken for in the way of plans. I also knew that Nate was planning on going to The Liberal Cup with co-workers after work, which I wasn't interested in due to the fact that it's a brew pub and I, alas, cannot drink The Beer. And no, I didn't feel like having a ginger ale while trying not to fall asleep and offering lame chuckles while listening to office stories. I was more than fine having a night to myself.

So, to help make up for my unfulfilled craving for Crab Rangoons last Friday night (Nate brazenly questioned if it was a true "craving" and said that "I just wanted them" but that we didn't have time to order them, pick them up, etc. in time to make it to our social engagement. I said it would have been worth showing up a little late if we were bearing Crab Rangoons as an appetizer for everyone to share. Anyway.) So, with no one to answer to but my tired self, I called Lucky Garden on the way home from work (pulled over on the side of the road, of course, grandparents) and ordered Crab Rangoons and Chicken Lo Mein. I'm not a HUGE fan of Lo Mein but it was the only thing I could think of without the menu in front of me, in an attempt to make this more of a "balanced" meal. My midwife did say that protein is extra-important in pregnancy.

I only ate ONE Rangoon on my .55 mile ride home, and three quarters of another one before changing into the accomodating fleece pants with elastic waist.
I curled up on the couch, complete with afghan, slippers and flannel shirt and put in a movie that I had rented the night before in anticipation of this alone time: Happy Feet , or as Nate called it, "The one where a bunch of penguins dance around or something." I figured this way, I could watch it in peace and not have him make fun of me for watching an animated movie made for 7-year-olds.

LITTLE DID I KNOW, the whole REASON why the main character is born "special" (skip to the next paragraph if you do not want this surprise ruined) is because the daddy penguin, while on egg-holding duty for months while the mommy is out fishing for the family, DROPS THE EGG, exposing it to the freezing Arctic temperatures for a few brief moments, but long enough for him to privately blame himself when he sees that his son is born different from the other baby penguins. Yes, little Mumble goes on to get the girl anyway, make other cool friends, and saves the Emperor Penguin population, but STILL. Not the best movie for a pregnant lady to see.

Oh and I haven't even mentioned the extra-special part of Nicky's Perfect Pregnant Friday Night: that I could cry at random parts of the movie - When the penguins sing, dance, talk, swim, almost get eaten by leopard seals, you know, touching stuff like that. Yup, it was just what I needed.

Went up to bed at about 7:15, somehow stayed awake to read until 8:04, then submitted to the weight of my heavy eyelids and turned out the light. Ahhhhh.... heaven.

Nicky and Nate
9 weeks 1 day, Baby

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Pregnant Brain + Early Morning = Idiot

Even though this is embarrassing, I realize that it is really too good to keep to myself.

This vignette starts with the fact that we got a snow storm last night - so I woke up a little off-kilter in the first place: April 5th, with 8+ inches of snow on the ground as I'm looking out the window. I stayed in bed as long as possible, but finally dragged my butt out with just enough time to get the basics done and arrive at work presentable, somewhat on time.

My main incentive to get in the shower was the thought of "warm water, warm water - that will feel good, Nicky - you can do it."

So I get into the shower, and the water was not that warm. Beginning to panic, I adjust the levers - turning the right handle WAY on - and the water only grew colder - FAST.

At this point I'm wide awake, freezing, panicked, and pissed that I am mostly wet from cold water, including half of my hair.

I dry off, hope that my hair isn't too greasy for work, and wonder if I should brave the alternative of washing it in the sink with cold water... and head downstairs to tell Nate that "WE DON'T HAVE HOT WATER!!!" Like he should do something about it. "Well that's not good" he says, all worked-up like (not really - come on now) and heads downstairs to check the water heater that we JUST got replaced this summer.

I'm in a little in disbelief myself. So while he's downstairs checking the water heater, I turn on the kitchen faucet and the lukewarm water gets WAY hot WAY fast. "Ummm... I think we're all set" I say sheepishly. "Let me go try it again."

Back upstairs, back in the shower, turn on the water, RIGHT = COLD, LEFT = HOT.

So, have I ever done this before in my life? No. Have I ever been pregnant before in my life? No. Coincidence? We'll let the blog jury decide.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Hey, Where’s My Free Personal Razor?

So I’m reporting back with the latest regarding today’s prenatal visit, AKA:

“The Successful Midwife Appointment”!

I’ll spare you the transcript-length account of my hour-and-a-half visit with her (yes, you read that right, and yes, you’re welcome) but suffice it to say I’ve determined that this is the practice for me/us.

One thing I’m still trying to figure out: if it’s possible to have fallen in love with a medical practice.

I also got to visit the hospital that they deliver at and was impressed with the maternity department as well.

I received a bag of “free stuff” at the end of this appointment as well, but it was all reading material vs. formula and diaper coupons and personal and household cleaning accessories.

I think the best part about this practice is that there are 2 midwives and 2 OBGyns, all who work together and encourage patients to figure out the best fit for them. I would say I’m in the category of women who aren’t quite sure yet if they’ll be a better “midwife patient” or a “doc patient”. So at least this way I have flexibility and time to decide.

Recent dreams:

* I had to start up, fly, and land a plane myself, without knowing anything about how to do any of these things to start with. Oh, and landing had to be in the middle of Augusta, vs. an actual runway. (Hmm, am I feeling a little overwhelmed by the idea of having to “figure out” some upcoming life challenge?? As my mom used to say, “You girls didn’t come with an instruction book! I’m figuring this out as I go!” Yes, Mom, I was paying attention, sometimes…)

* I learned to “swaddle” our baby… make that babies – there were two infants, one in pink and one in blue, and I had to swaddle them together. I figured it out with a surprising amount of ease and was quite proud of myself.

There have seriously been multiple dreams, every night. Probably another reason why I’m so tired – my brain is still busy processing stuff, even while I’m sleeping!

Okay, I know, this entry has rated pretty low on the humor scale. Do not despair. I will end with Nate’s birthday card to his dad this weekend, as promised.


This year for your birthday, our gift to you is one (1) grandson.


Grandson to be redeemed sometime in November 2007.

Grandson availability subject to change, in which case cardholder may redeem for one (1) granddaughter.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Feel the love

Since people are sending their words of congratulations directly to us via e-mail or snail mail vs. posting comments on the blog for all to read, I need to share a few more gems, besides the now famous "Chester" card from Aunt Jane.

Our friend Preston - yes, the one of our nine "best men" who was too ill to stand for extended periods of time at our wedding, which we all thought was quite hilarious - e-mailed us today. I enjoyed a hearty laugh from reading his thoughts to us, and felt they were too good to keep to ourselves. The entire contents of his e-mail are below:

Congratulations on finally making people. I know you have been trying for a while, and I am happy for you both. I can't wait to find out who the father is.
P.S. I know the enthusiasm is supposed to be saved until after the twelfth week, but "I'm not quite happy for you yet," didn't sound right.

Thanks, Preston. You're right - there's probably a reason why Hallmark doesn't make a card of that genre.

And, we received a beautiful card with a picture of a stroller on it from our friend Sturk. Inside she had written "A poem for the new baby" which is included in full text below.

Dear Baby Chester,
How long we've waited for you,
Everyone can now rejoice,
The Sylvestieus will be singing "goo-goo"

My hopes and visions are simple,
After the laughs and giggles you bring,
A promise of your dad's big nose
And your very own beading talent
to make a festive nose ring!

Followed by an e-mail from my Grampa, who also felt moved to compose a few lines:

He said "it could be a Rap Song"
Chester Sylvester

Like his Dad
Is a jester........................

AHHH feel the love.
Thanks everyone :)

I'm also including a sweet picture of us taken last summer to demonstrate that the odds might be stacked against Chester in the nose department. I think I have my own contribution to make!

Okay - we're headed to have dinner with my FMILAFGOOB and FFILAFGOOB for FF's birthday. Once we give the card that Nate made for his father, I'll include the text in the next post. It's precious. A Nate classic.

Nicky and Nate
8 weeks 2 days
not that we're counting