Monday, July 23, 2007

I know what you're thinking...

"When are your boobs going to get bigger??"
Don't worry - Nate already asked me that a while ago.

"I mean, they kind of did at first, a little bit, but then they, like, stopped."

There's nothing like having a 9 pound weight gain that has all gone to the belly region to make me feel even smaller in the chest region than I already did.

You just wait, buddy. Fill these girls up with milk and you'll see what they're really capable of.

Nicky and Nate
24 weeks 5 days

p.s. - OTP (Operation Tot Prep) is finally underway.
Seeing that my cousin Jess, who is due AFTER me, has registered at FOUR places has definitely inspired me to get on the ball.
And you thought I was the queen of to-do lists before OTP...