Monday, February 25, 2008

February Chillin'

Just a few new pictures to make up for the drought, and tide you over until the next time...

But first: Today's weigh-in: 15 lbs, 11.5 oz. Approx 65th percentile. Go Mom's milk!

Chillin' with Aunt Punchy. Webber is evading my efforts to capture his new adorable hobby of thumb-sucking.

Chillin' with Grammy S. Looks like I interrupted a moment.

Chillin' with Aunt Leigh. Don't know what they were just doing to get his cheeks so red...

Really chillin' with Mommy. Our first and only (so far) snow shoeing outing. Really, he is not chillin'. We keep each other nice and warm.

Chillin' at Daddy's office. The visit to see Daddy's co-workers went much better than the visit to see Mommy's co-workers. He was very UN-chillin' there. Will just have to try, try again.

Does it get any cuter than this? Father and son chillin' in the recliner.

Chillin' in the sling, for old times' sake.

Chillin' on the chair. This one's a little fuzzy but another classic picture for fill-in-your-own-caption ideas. Have fun!

4 plus months
No, I couldn't tell you exactly how many days or weeks old he is :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

More Medium Man pics

Fun with hats. This is for when he whips up a Baker's Dozen donuts for me. That are iced in the same color as the Bumbo he sits on.
This is our little Purple-Domed Pope-in-Practice.
Since the Patriot's didn't come through for him this season, he's getting ready for the Red Sox. Cool-Kid-style.
Speaking of Cool-Kid-Style, this onesie, a gift from Aunt Kara, cracks me up.

The only thing better than a picture of Webber wearing it is...

... with his Cool Kid sunglasses, thanks to Brian, Sara and Brennan. These caption possibilities are endless. I'll let you insert your own.
And finally, "Do I have anything on my face?"

Friday, February 1, 2008

February Greetings

No, I didn't remember to say Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit this morning for good luck. So if this month sucks, at least it's a short one.

Last weekend I spent 24 hours away from The Boy, at an old-fashioned Girl Time weekend at Aunt Punchy's with 7 of us total. The primary objectives of these get togethers are, in no particular order: Eating, Crafting, Laughing, Crying, Relaxing. This time for me, it also meant Pumping, what with my boobs programmed to continuously churn out the "Mommy Juice," as Nate calls Webber's food. They require regular emptying, be it by baby or machine. This definitely cut into the usual objectives, but I'm not complaining. It was a successful first overnight away from Webber, in that he and Daddy did just fine together, as I knew they would. And I got to make a necklace and earrings, which involved hours of sitting in one place using two hands.

For those of you who recall my affection for Heath Ledger, I'm sure you will not be surprised that I'm in mourning over his recent passing. This Girl Time also included a tribute to Heath, complete with watching A Knight's Tale, and eating Heath candy bars.

And now, to address the real purpose of your checking in to this blog, here are some recent pictures of the little man.
I was telling my little brother Alex that I call Webber "Little Man" a lot. I also call him "Big Man" with almost the same frequency. Alex told me that I should call him "Medium Man."

Without further ado...

Loving the naked time!
Preparing for takeoff...
Come fly the Friendly Baby Skies
Make that the Drooling Baby Skies
Or should we say, the Pooping Baby Skies
Webber checking out Daddy's beer fermenter. For use in the very distant future, of course.
What a happy baby!
We also made the trek down to Portland to see my friend Stephanie so that we could do some friend and fellow-mommy catch up. She also treated us to a photo session of our Medium Man. She worked her magic by turning one of his unfortunate fussy moods into some real gems.
He does not always like travelling, and I was not looking forward to those stretches where he wasn't tired enough to sleep in the car seat, and not entertained enough by the highway view, and would cry in protest. I did all that I could to make sure the trip went smoothly, including packing everything up the night before, and even loading the diaper bag into the car.

Lesson of the month: A diaper bag in a car overnight in Maine in January turns the wipes into a block of ice.

3 and a half months or thereabouts