Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Nicky's Neurosis Update

I swear that baby stuff is multiplying in our house.

It's coming in spurts:
items on loan or for keeps,
early "I just couldn't help myself" outfits,
and honest-to-goodness baby furniture.

I am too overwhelmed by the generosity and thoughtfulness demonstrated by friends and family thus far to list everything separately. But please know we are ever-appreciative.

People ask, "Are you all ready for the baby??"

Hmm... "ready" is a strong word.

It's more like, "We're getting there."

My mantra for this season is, "The in-box is never empty. The in-box is never empty."

Combining my personality with the nesting instinct inherent in late pregnancy makes for a dangerous mix.

Does it mean that I'm becoming super-productive and efficient? Let me just put it to you this way: you should see our coffee maker right now. Actually, you shouldn't. It would blind you from its newly cleaned sparkling whiteness that we haven't seen since we took our new purchase out of the box. In our college days. Good thing I crossed that very important to-do off the OTP list.

More like, I cleaned the coffee maker, then wrote it on the list, then crossed it off the list.
Like you haven't done that before. You know who you are.

Anyway - see what I mean??

Running into a woman while shopping yesterday who had a TINY baby in tow, delivered 6 weeks early, was the last thing I needed.

But hey, we gain an hour on November 4th... so I've got that going for me. Which is nice. I'm sure I'll be able to put that to good use. That should give me time to do something really important like detail the stove if it's pre-delivery, or actually sleep if it's post-delivery.

And I have to take back what I said about being knot-in-stomach free when thinking about the delivery. I thought I had talked myself out of that one, but I guess it's something I'm still working on. Classes on that start next weekend. Ending November 4th. Plenty of time, right??

Until next time...
dehydrated cherry tomatoes, anyone?

- Nicky and Nate
T minus 6 weeks