Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Nicky's Neurosis Update

I swear that baby stuff is multiplying in our house.

It's coming in spurts:
items on loan or for keeps,
early "I just couldn't help myself" outfits,
and honest-to-goodness baby furniture.

I am too overwhelmed by the generosity and thoughtfulness demonstrated by friends and family thus far to list everything separately. But please know we are ever-appreciative.

People ask, "Are you all ready for the baby??"

Hmm... "ready" is a strong word.

It's more like, "We're getting there."

My mantra for this season is, "The in-box is never empty. The in-box is never empty."

Combining my personality with the nesting instinct inherent in late pregnancy makes for a dangerous mix.

Does it mean that I'm becoming super-productive and efficient? Let me just put it to you this way: you should see our coffee maker right now. Actually, you shouldn't. It would blind you from its newly cleaned sparkling whiteness that we haven't seen since we took our new purchase out of the box. In our college days. Good thing I crossed that very important to-do off the OTP list.

More like, I cleaned the coffee maker, then wrote it on the list, then crossed it off the list.
Like you haven't done that before. You know who you are.

Anyway - see what I mean??

Running into a woman while shopping yesterday who had a TINY baby in tow, delivered 6 weeks early, was the last thing I needed.

But hey, we gain an hour on November 4th... so I've got that going for me. Which is nice. I'm sure I'll be able to put that to good use. That should give me time to do something really important like detail the stove if it's pre-delivery, or actually sleep if it's post-delivery.

And I have to take back what I said about being knot-in-stomach free when thinking about the delivery. I thought I had talked myself out of that one, but I guess it's something I'm still working on. Classes on that start next weekend. Ending November 4th. Plenty of time, right??

Until next time...
dehydrated cherry tomatoes, anyone?

- Nicky and Nate
T minus 6 weeks

Monday, September 17, 2007

Maternity Fashion Show

Did I mention that I love overalls?

Well, I love overalls.

Maternity overalls, that is.

I learned the hard lesson a couple of weeks ago that I don't fit into the ultra-cool pair of overalls that I, for some reason, kept from my college days of flannel shirts and baggy jeans.
There was simply not enough belly room in my "regular" overalls. Maternity overalls are where it's at. I'd like to take this opportunity to give another shout out to Nate's cousins Kate and Jen, and my friend Sara, who have contributed significantly to my maternity clothes wardrobe. Yes, I've supplemented with some of my own purchases, but at least this way I have a bit of variety so as to not wake up every morning feeling limited to a Maternity Uniform that consists of mixing and matching 4 "classic" pieces that are supposed to get me through these final 2 months.

Now, back to my love for overalls:
Maybe between now and November, overalls
will come back in style for the general population so that I can keep wearing such unrestrictive fashions as the ones I am featured in here. The idea of returning to life with fixed circumference waistbands and belts sounds so... rigid. Oh well... at least Tot won't judge me for my lack of fashion sense - at least for a few years until they start developing those precious child qualities: being honest and verbal. Can't wait for that killer combo.

By the way, Maine Fare was very cool indeed. I've included a few good links to give you a flavor, if you will, of the event.

My favorite speaker, Sandy Oliver, doesn't have a website of her own, but her take-home message was very well timed for me, as one of the items on my in-an-ideal-world-To-Do-before-I-become-a-parent-List is to "become a better home cook so I can feed my child nutritious food that they will be willing to eat". You might not guess this about me, but I'm kind of a need-a-recipe kind of girl (bet you didn't see that one coming). But Sandy's message was to let go of the idea of recipes and just try stuff out. If it doesn't work, change it next time. But don't stress out about putting food together for dinner. Just have fun!

Amen - how freeing.

I just hope Nate's as excited as I am about my new sense of adventure in the kitchen.

Come on now, I meant adventurous COOKING.

Nicky and Nate
32 weeks 5 days
I just lost count the numbers are so high.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mommy and Daddy get out of Dodge

In looking at our calendar in the Biggest Countdown of Our Lives, we determined that if we were going to take one last kid-free or childcare-arranged-free excursion, this was the weekend to do it. You could call this an observance of our 5-year wedding anniversary, or you could call it our Babymoon, but in any case we've put the necessary planning elements together that will allow us to fill up the cat bowls with extra food and water and spend a weekend elsewhere.

The search for where to go centered mostly on what we'd want to do, or rather, be able to do. You know, given my condition and all.

I have felt supremely lazy, which rules out hikes. Sorry, Mt. Katahdin. Maybe... some other time. And, it's tough to plan something that depends on being outdoors anyway due to our not-always cooperative Maine weather. I did look into pregnancy massages, which I think I'll treat myself to sometime before D-Day, but not this weekend, since that only involves one of us.
So, what could we do, what could we do, I wondered as I searched the internet...
I determined I wanted a change of scenery, but didn't want to "over schedule" us, and pay for two nights away (as we've recently been doing budget projections for a minor life change coming up). I could stroll around somewhere, but would want sitting breaks, in case I was having a Bad Hip Day. Eating good food was, of course, a requirement. Exploring somewhere that we haven't been before would be nice. So that brought me to looking into coastal Maine towns... and can I just tell you how much I love the internet. Guess what appeared as I searched "things to do in Camden Maine"... this weekend only:

"Join us for the weekend in beautiful Camden for a food festival that has something for everyone."

It's the Maine Fare festival, and Mommy and Daddy have tickets to experience all that fresh Maine food has to offer. And stroll around Camden, and take sitting breaks. I know, I know, it's no Prairie Home Companion trip... sigh... (hey I see those eyes rolling - the nerdiness is overwhelming, isn't it?) but this was right up our alley for what we were able to do this weekend. Given my, you know, condition.

And if Nate were to write this blog entry, it would go something like this:

"The Old Lady and I are going to this thing this weekend. She can't do much these days, so I figured I'd roll her around the streets of Camden and take eating breaks. Yadda yadda yadda, the best part is we're going to 'Beer, Breads and Sausages' Saturday night and I get to have all of her beer and she drives to the hotel."

And speaking of food...
That's a whole lot of mac'n'cheese in there.

Au Revior,
Nicky and Nate
32 weeks 3 days

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Poor kid...

I'm afraid I've already figured out one of Daddy's traits that Tot may be cursed with... never-ending, body-spasming hiccups.

The not-heard-anywhere-else-in-nature sound and volume that these hiccups create are actually the most distinctive features of the Daddy Sylvester Hiccups (DSH). But the duration and rate of recurrence are also defining aspects of the DSH that, I fear, have become inherited by Tot.

I was already awake this morning and enjoying the lazing around in bed on a Sunday morning until I was truly ready to begin my day, which I know I should try to appreciate while I can. I was feeling Tot's usual kicks and maneuvers that I feel when I'm laying down. Then I noticed that it seemed this one type of kick was quite rhythmic, and I didn't know why Tot would move an arm or leg that many times in a row, about 2 times per second, and continue to.... hey wait a minute, I realized... maybe that's not an arm or leg at all, but rather Tot's diaphragm jumping to a steady beat of... Noooooooooo... DSH!!! I rubbed my belly. I rolled to the other side. I tapped. To no avail. They continued for almost 15 minutes. I imagined that Tot felt pretty, well, bushed, from all that hiccuping. Poor kid.

I'm interested to see if they sound like Daddy's once he or she isn't cooped up in a bag of amniotic fluid and really able to use those lungs. At least we won't have to worry about Tot getting the worst kind of hiccups for a good many years... the AAFBSH: After-a-Few-Beers-Sylvester-Hiccups.

On another note, I thought I'd update my reading list to accurately reflect all the books I am currently reading sections of based on my mood and whatever sub-topic of pregnancy feels most pressing at the time. The main topic lately is Labor and Delivery. I feel like I'm cramming for the biggest test of my life. Although, unlike in high school or college, when I always knew WHEN the test was going to be, I am only able to narrow this one down to a time span of a few weeks... could be in October, could be almost Thanksgiving for all I know.

I am happy to report that I am now able to think and read about the topic without a huge knot in my stomach. I even continue to breathe somewhat normally. The lightheadedness has also subsided considerably.

Thanks to my fabulous doula sister-in-law Kara (how lucky am I), the most helpful book so far has been Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth. And the website of Empowerisms (yes, "Empowerisms") was also just what I was needing to help wrap my mind around the fact that labor and delivery are, in fact, humanly possible.

So that's the labor preparation. And for full Team Tot participation, our full-day Prepared Childbirth class is next month.

But lately it's occured to me that maybe I should have a clue about what to do with Tot once he or she arrives. (Ahhh what a nice word - "arrives". Sounds like the baby will show up with a knock at the front door. Has anyone looked into that delivery method? Maybe there's still time for that to become an option. I can see it now - Nicky's Birthplan: Tot will knock on door. Nicky and Nate will answer door and pick Tot up. Tot will be fully clothed and diaper will have been recently changed. They will begin happy life together.)

Okay, enough Fantasy Land talk.

Anyway - I've heard from a few people that it is helpful to have done some research on the basics of taking care of a newborn before you have a live newborn to practice on. I'm sure that trial and error are an integral part of how one figures these things out, and every kid is different, blah blah blah... but I'd like to spare Tot, and us for that matter, any stress and tears that we can possibly spare by getting a basic clue before we become in charge or his or her well-being. Thus also registering for the "Breastfeeding Basics" and "Baby Care" classes.

I know, I know. At this point you are concerned for my blood pressure level due to the level of neuroticism I have just outlined. But, awareness is the first step, right? So, at least I'm able to identify where I'm at with all of this. And share it with all of you. Funny stuff, right??

And speaking of funny, I was reviewing pictures from our wedding, 5 years ago Friday. Wait a minute, that didn't come out right.

What was FUNNY was when I pictured Nate trying to re-create the one below with me in my present condition. I think the likelihood is quite high that another picture would follow it that shows a bride and groom emerging from the water having just created a good-sized splash.

Nicky and Nate
31 weeks 4 days

Sunday, September 2, 2007

One more for the list

Nate didn't have to say so after last night's game, but I'm quite sure the name "Clay" just got added to the Red Sox players name list.


Clay Sylvester
Buchholz Sylvester
Buch Sylvester
Holz Sylvester

Nicky and Nate
30 weeks 4 days
Holy September
The first of the "-ber" months