Monday, September 17, 2007

Maternity Fashion Show

Did I mention that I love overalls?

Well, I love overalls.

Maternity overalls, that is.

I learned the hard lesson a couple of weeks ago that I don't fit into the ultra-cool pair of overalls that I, for some reason, kept from my college days of flannel shirts and baggy jeans.
There was simply not enough belly room in my "regular" overalls. Maternity overalls are where it's at. I'd like to take this opportunity to give another shout out to Nate's cousins Kate and Jen, and my friend Sara, who have contributed significantly to my maternity clothes wardrobe. Yes, I've supplemented with some of my own purchases, but at least this way I have a bit of variety so as to not wake up every morning feeling limited to a Maternity Uniform that consists of mixing and matching 4 "classic" pieces that are supposed to get me through these final 2 months.

Now, back to my love for overalls:
Maybe between now and November, overalls
will come back in style for the general population so that I can keep wearing such unrestrictive fashions as the ones I am featured in here. The idea of returning to life with fixed circumference waistbands and belts sounds so... rigid. Oh well... at least Tot won't judge me for my lack of fashion sense - at least for a few years until they start developing those precious child qualities: being honest and verbal. Can't wait for that killer combo.

By the way, Maine Fare was very cool indeed. I've included a few good links to give you a flavor, if you will, of the event.

My favorite speaker, Sandy Oliver, doesn't have a website of her own, but her take-home message was very well timed for me, as one of the items on my in-an-ideal-world-To-Do-before-I-become-a-parent-List is to "become a better home cook so I can feed my child nutritious food that they will be willing to eat". You might not guess this about me, but I'm kind of a need-a-recipe kind of girl (bet you didn't see that one coming). But Sandy's message was to let go of the idea of recipes and just try stuff out. If it doesn't work, change it next time. But don't stress out about putting food together for dinner. Just have fun!

Amen - how freeing.

I just hope Nate's as excited as I am about my new sense of adventure in the kitchen.

Come on now, I meant adventurous COOKING.

Nicky and Nate
32 weeks 5 days
I just lost count the numbers are so high.