Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Twenty One

You know how I mentioned in my "love for all seasons" entry that summer is a busy time for family and friend get togethers? Well, we've been right in the thick of it lately. Good times. But yes, it does cut into my all-or-nothing blog entry writing style. I apologize to all of you who may have been concerned by the absence of blog entries!

The highlight of late was my sister Emi's bachelorette party, otherwise known as the "BBBP": Biker Babe Bachelorette Party. Of course it was a themed bachelorette party: Mathieu sisters were planning it. And what better theme to bring together a bunch of women than "Biker Babe" to celebrate Emi being one herself. We donned temporary tattoos and some choice threads in hopes of bringing out the Biker Babe in each of us. And then went out in public.

It was a proper bachelorette party, complete with games involving, food items resembling, and drinks named after male anatomy parts.

And I was JUST about to post a group picture when I noticed that our background includes one of the aforementioned games with some rather distracting visuals. To protect the innocent, I will refrain from doing so. Instead I'll feature a picture of one of my temporary tats. Hey, when you've got it, flaunt it!

Cute Nate Moments:
(And if he's embarrassed to read about these or feels the need to clarify, he can write his own blog entry in case I've misrepresented him.)

He almost always makes a special trip upstairs to say goodbye to me in the morning before he leaves for work, as I'm often still in bed. Last week he literally reached under me as I was laying on my side/stomach facing away from him, just to rub the belly as if to say goodbye to Tot, too.

He also took it upon himself, without my knowledge, to e-mail our friend Amy to ask her for a real-life, Mainer's estimate of initial baby-related expenses as opposed to the national averages that are mentioned in all the books and websites. Like a truly responsible father-and-provider-to-be.

And one final highlight from Mr. Take Charge - HE leaned over to kiss ME in the car as I dropped him off at work after our ultrasound appointment. INITIATED a kiss. Moved in for the big one. Planted one on me. I didn't know if he suddenly had some abdominal cramp that was compelling him to lean over in my direction, or what. But whatever came over him, it was okay with me.

Dream update: asd;lkfjqpoeiwtudfkjgbn:L
kl ;aoeirutdskf;gna;lkdsgja;a;lksdjfpoiua rjkh!

In other words, too many dreams to list. And again, yes, I'm always tired in the morning.

I gratefully update our reading library list with books from Aunt Emi and Aunt Punchy:
Daddy Cuddles
Mommy Loves
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Mary Engelbreit's Mother Goose
The Rainbow Fish
Only You
Finding Nemo

Good Night Maine
Clifford - The Little Flower Seed
It's Raining Pigs and Noodles
Big Red Barn
The Tiny Seed
Snowmen at Christmas
Little Quack's New Friend
Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?
Schoolyard Rynes
From Head to Toe

Thanks again, ladies. Nate can't WAIT to read to Tot. :)

To our sisters, Tot could be considered their "Niephew"
And to our cats, Tot is their "Broster"

And finally, for those of you who just can't get enough of the pregnancy-talk, the latest milestone is really and truly feeling movement. We're still working on Nate building up the patience to keep his hand over my belly long enough to feel it himself. But I'd say for the past 2-3 weeks, I've grown increasingly confident in identifying these odd sensations as true baby kicks and flips.
And in case some of you noticed the subtleties of our dating, the ultrasound put us at 19 weeks 0 days, which lined up with my original figuring of the dating. So, I'm going back to Wednesdays being the beginning of each new week, which makes today TWENTY ONE (21) weeks.