Thursday, April 5, 2007

Pregnant Brain + Early Morning = Idiot

Even though this is embarrassing, I realize that it is really too good to keep to myself.

This vignette starts with the fact that we got a snow storm last night - so I woke up a little off-kilter in the first place: April 5th, with 8+ inches of snow on the ground as I'm looking out the window. I stayed in bed as long as possible, but finally dragged my butt out with just enough time to get the basics done and arrive at work presentable, somewhat on time.

My main incentive to get in the shower was the thought of "warm water, warm water - that will feel good, Nicky - you can do it."

So I get into the shower, and the water was not that warm. Beginning to panic, I adjust the levers - turning the right handle WAY on - and the water only grew colder - FAST.

At this point I'm wide awake, freezing, panicked, and pissed that I am mostly wet from cold water, including half of my hair.

I dry off, hope that my hair isn't too greasy for work, and wonder if I should brave the alternative of washing it in the sink with cold water... and head downstairs to tell Nate that "WE DON'T HAVE HOT WATER!!!" Like he should do something about it. "Well that's not good" he says, all worked-up like (not really - come on now) and heads downstairs to check the water heater that we JUST got replaced this summer.

I'm in a little in disbelief myself. So while he's downstairs checking the water heater, I turn on the kitchen faucet and the lukewarm water gets WAY hot WAY fast. "Ummm... I think we're all set" I say sheepishly. "Let me go try it again."

Back upstairs, back in the shower, turn on the water, RIGHT = COLD, LEFT = HOT.

So, have I ever done this before in my life? No. Have I ever been pregnant before in my life? No. Coincidence? We'll let the blog jury decide.