Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Hey, Where’s My Free Personal Razor?

So I’m reporting back with the latest regarding today’s prenatal visit, AKA:

“The Successful Midwife Appointment”!

I’ll spare you the transcript-length account of my hour-and-a-half visit with her (yes, you read that right, and yes, you’re welcome) but suffice it to say I’ve determined that this is the practice for me/us.

One thing I’m still trying to figure out: if it’s possible to have fallen in love with a medical practice.

I also got to visit the hospital that they deliver at and was impressed with the maternity department as well.

I received a bag of “free stuff” at the end of this appointment as well, but it was all reading material vs. formula and diaper coupons and personal and household cleaning accessories.

I think the best part about this practice is that there are 2 midwives and 2 OBGyns, all who work together and encourage patients to figure out the best fit for them. I would say I’m in the category of women who aren’t quite sure yet if they’ll be a better “midwife patient” or a “doc patient”. So at least this way I have flexibility and time to decide.

Recent dreams:

* I had to start up, fly, and land a plane myself, without knowing anything about how to do any of these things to start with. Oh, and landing had to be in the middle of Augusta, vs. an actual runway. (Hmm, am I feeling a little overwhelmed by the idea of having to “figure out” some upcoming life challenge?? As my mom used to say, “You girls didn’t come with an instruction book! I’m figuring this out as I go!” Yes, Mom, I was paying attention, sometimes…)

* I learned to “swaddle” our baby… make that babies – there were two infants, one in pink and one in blue, and I had to swaddle them together. I figured it out with a surprising amount of ease and was quite proud of myself.

There have seriously been multiple dreams, every night. Probably another reason why I’m so tired – my brain is still busy processing stuff, even while I’m sleeping!

Okay, I know, this entry has rated pretty low on the humor scale. Do not despair. I will end with Nate’s birthday card to his dad this weekend, as promised.


This year for your birthday, our gift to you is one (1) grandson.


Grandson to be redeemed sometime in November 2007.

Grandson availability subject to change, in which case cardholder may redeem for one (1) granddaughter.


Stephanie Hatzenbuehler said...

I love it! I'm so happy for you and even happier for myself that I get to read your hilarious posts. Keep it up!

By the way, I had the first labor progress check last night and (as I predicted) things are happening. I'll save the gory details for Tuesday. Now I'm couting days again in the other direction. 23 days left.

Bobbie said...

Nate, your card was funny "as all get out" (a technical term)! And, Nick, I'm so glad you WERE listening (some of the time), BUT I really don't remember ever swaddling you! (it must have been part of the instruction manual I never received.) You two are the max!! Keep up the FABULOUS postings!! Love you!