Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Third Wheel

This dream was actually two nights ago and I've been debating whether or not I should share it, but frankly, I consider it too good to keep to myself, in the way of it rating high on the I-Couldn't-Make-This-Up-If-I-Tried scale.

Background - for those of you not already aware, I developed a bit of a thing for Heath Ledger years ago. Yes, he's had some unfortunate roles such as the ridiculous Knight's Tale (the only movie I've ever paid to watch in the theater twice in one day - although I wasn't alone!!). But Mmm mmm, any time he gets to use his Aussie accent, I don't care how bad the writing is. And yes, Nate is aware of this. I'm sure some day he'll share all about his crushes... ahem, Sarah Jessica Parker and Tina Fey.

Anyway - one recent movie he was in, in which he put together some kind of wierd midwestern accent that was a bit distracting, was Brokeback Mountain. Which is also the setting for my dream.

So basically, I was in this movie also, as a cowgirl friend of Heath and Jake's characters. There was this sense that Heath and I had some kind of romantic history, but presently we were just friends. Like Jerry and Elaine. Although, if I was really honest with myself, I had to admit that I still had feelings for him. BUT I did not let them be known, as it was becoming apparent that he had feelings for Jake, and Jake had feelings for him. So, I woefully submitted to knowing that my love would never be requited, because I could see how happy they were together and I didn't want to burden Heath with the knowledge that I wasn't over him. I knew that I should just let him be happy.

So, that was it.
Okay, after re-reading that I realize that you might be a little bored, and either let down or thankful that it wasn't a more detailed dream. But I just couldn't get over being in a hollywood movie - the one where, in the end, the guy gets the guy and the girl is left on the sidelines.


Anonymous said...

By the way, thanks a bunch for dragging Nate and I to 'A Knights Tale' (or, as I like to call it, 'Jousting with AC/DC') AFTER you and Punchy already knew what we were in for!

Anonymous said...

Seth, that just proves that AC/DC is one of the founding groups for all music as we know it. I mean, they used it during jousting! What a great moment for Angus Young.