Sunday, May 13, 2007

In Awe of Mothers

I have to say, I wasn't really considering myself in the same group as the, well, since I'm on a roll with the term, "Rockstars" that we call Mothers on this annual holiday. But I was touched to receive several well-wishes, e-mails and even honest-to-goodness Hallmark and homemade cards for "Pregnant Women on Mothers' Day". So thank you to all who are thinking of this Mother-to-Be who looks forward to having a 6-month old next Mothers' Day. (!)

Last night Nate and I had dinner with friends at their house while they/she did an amazing job at juggling all the moving pieces involved in entertaining a clueless childless couple like us with thoughtful and witty conversation, preparing a delicious meal that I can't WAIT to get the recipe for, caring for their 3 1/2 and 1 1/2 year old daughters with their varied interests, appetites, and bedtimes, and still having enough energy to sit up and chat with us for another couple hours after the last kid was in bed. Christine, if I was not carrying my end of the conversation, it's because I was just taking it all in. In awe.

I think I'm just beginning to develop an appreciation for motherhood with a perspective I couldn't have had 10 or 20 years ago. All I really knew of what it means to be a mother was by watching and living with my mom, who always seemed to know the answer to everything, the best way to solve any problem, and made sure our physical and emotional needs were met and then some. It seemed a given that she was just born a SuperMom, with everything inside of her all ready to go. Yeah, she'd told me stories of when she was a kid, and a teenager, and a young woman. And there were pictures around to prove it. But the core of me still felt like she was just born a Mom.

But over the past few years, I've seen friends, family, peers MY AGE, and believe it or not, even younger than me, become mothers. Regular people, fun girls, crafting goddesses, that transformed into mothers. And they, too, all seem to be SuperMoms of their households. Answering questions, solving problems, attending to physical and emotional needs. I can't imagine any of them navigated that transition from Regular Person to Mother without, pardon my frankness, shitting a few bricks in the process. That's what I'll tell myself anyway, because I just did while merely thinking about it.

But I guess you just figure it out as you go, right ladies? My mom always said "You girls didn't come with instruction books!" Well you could have fooled me, Mom, even as your "guinea pig" first kid. That's the other amazing thing about moms. Even though you're just faking it till you make it, your kids are none the wiser. They still think you know it all.

So, my hats off to mothers. I'm humbled to think that by the end of this year I will join your ranks.

On the subject of time marching on, I'm including an updated belly pic. I seriously thought I wouldn't notice much of a difference, but comparing this to the 9 week pic helped me see the difference.

So, okay, maybe it IS a little more than just mac'n'cheese in my belly... I've been ever so slowly easing out of the "maybe it's just my imagination that the waistbands feel tighter" facade that was so comfortable before. I think things are going to start looking a little more real soon!

This also leads me into my next topic of gifts received thus far. In addition to thoughtful cards, e-mails, blog comments and well-wishes, we've also begun receiving GIFTS for our growing family. For Mothers' Day, my favorite Mother-In-Law gave me The Belly Book to help document the joys of being pregnant, complete with places to put weekly belly pic updates, and ultrasounds. LOVE it. Completed the first trimester section in 2 days. I guess I like to write. :)

We also got a couple of children's books from Aunt Punchy. Really, she's a nice person, she just has a scary sounding nickname. My Father the Dog and Mommy Mine. Adorable books. Love that we have started a reading library.

A co-worker of mine gave us a very lovable stuffed-animal frog for Baby at our 12-week mark. It has black and white eyes, which are what infants can see early on (the black and white contrast). Too cute.

Another co-worker gave us a diaper bag specifically made to hang on the back of a stroller. It's black, very utilitarian looking, very even-Daddy-won't-mind-carrying-this looking. PERfect.

I know I also mentioned previously that Nate's cousins Jen and Kate so generously lent me their maternity clothes. SUCH a huge help in saving money in what should be known as one of the most ridiculously overpriced markets out there: fashionable clothes for women desperate to wear anything that does not involve large ducks and bows.
Today I washed and hung my near-future wardrobe out on the line so they'll be ready to go when I need them. It seemed to me to be such a beautiful, fitting day for a task like that.

And finally, I got my first Mother's Day card and gift from my dear husband. Yes, the card was cute and clever, as expected in this household. Then he told me that my gift was: that we could find out the sex of the baby if I want to.
And I do!
So, 6 weeks and counting till that ultrasound.... STAY TUNED!!

And Happy Mothers' Day.
Nicky and Nate
14 weeks 2 days


Anonymous said...

I love seeing the "before" and "during the process of" pictures of your belly!

And I love reading this blog. :)

Kara and Ravi Kaikini said...

...Wiping eyes... Blowing nose... {Sigh} :)

Bobbie said...

Ahhhh, Nick. It's a thrill to voyeristically share all these thoughts and experiences with you through your blog. Thank you! The "highs" of motherhood are just beginning for you! But they'll last your whole lifetime, Sweetheart -- the "gift that keeps giving ... children." All my Love, Mom.