Thursday, June 14, 2007

Okay Go ahead and make these pictures dirty!!

Really now, people. We honestly, innocently thought that including Tot's "Thumbs Up" picture was just a cute, CLEAN image to share with you all. Who would have thought, as our friend Seth stated in his comment, that the grandmothers-to-be would be the ones to infuse our blog with such "colorful" interpretations of our baby's thumbs up gesture!!

Well, have fun with this next one, that I've titled "Our Alien Baby". I know, it's a little disturbing. But it looks like a healthy skeletal system, doesn't it?

And the other picture, that Nate titled "Kickboxer".

And now, my dreams from last night.
There were so many it's hard to remember them all. But what sticks out is:

It was stormy and my co-worker Susan was driving my car for some reason, and trying to park it in the snow while driving 30 miles an hour, on the street in Sanford where I grew up. Like, she was swerving all over the street and not using the breaks to try to stop - she just figured she'd crash into the snowbank and the car would turn off. But then we were told there was a parking ban because of plowing, so she took off to park my car somewhere else, and there was the sense that if she didn't find a place to park, she'd just drive around till morning. In the meantime, I was standing in the middle of the street wondering where the heck I should go, since I didn't actually LIVE on this street anymore.

Then Nate and I were in the house of friends of ours - his old co-worker Josh and his wife Sarah, who we did actually visit last night, as they just moved to Hallowell and are walking distance from our place. There was a sense that they had invited us over, but then had to leave or something, so we were in their house by ourselves. Then night came, and we noticed someone else was in the house. It was the previous owner, but he was delusional and became angry when he discovered that we were in what he thought was still HIS house - so he came after us and was chasing us, trying to either chase us out of the house, or kill us. But instead of just running away, we were trying to stay in the house, so Josh and Sarah didn't come home to this delusional angry man who would then try to kill them.

Then, and I WISH I was making this up, I dreamed that my mother-in-law was either personally trying to kill me, or had hired someone else to do it, because I had changed my mind about not wanting to know the sex of our baby. I am fully aware that this sounds like a load of you-know-what. But I could not be more serious that I actually dreamt this.

And finally, I dreamed that Nate wrote a blog entry. Just a paragraph, but still. He hadn't told me he was going to do it - I just logged on to write an entry one day, and, buried in one of my lengthy posts, was a paragraph that he had written and slipped in there himself. Novel.

That was all last night. Yes, I am tired in the morning. I am always tired in the morning. I hate mornings. I had never thought about the fact that maybe these dreams are keeping me from restful sleep until I started sharing them with so many people, and being asked so frequently if I feel rested when I wake up, because of these crazy, lengthy, plot-twisted (and just plain twisted) dreams. You may all be on to something there.

Last but not least, I am sending a very Happy 5th Birthday wish to my YOUNGEST sister, Lilo. Nate asked what we got her, and I said, "an e-mail"... because that's what I've been doing for observances and holidays like that on account of her living in a time-zone 8+ hours away. But not for long, as she and a few other key people in my family are moving to the United States in just a few short weeks. How wild it will be for them to live so close to us - and for Tot to have an aunt and uncle who are more like playmates, once our little one gets to be more play-able.


Nicky and Nate
19 weeks 1 day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Birthday greeting Nick! I'm five today and and can't wait to play with Tot soon!!!