Monday, October 1, 2007

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit

Growing up, our family practiced the superstition of saying "Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit" on the first day of a new month before we said anything else that morning. It was supposed to ensure that we'd have good luck that month. Forgot to do it that month? You were screwed.

Midnight of New Year's Eve 2000 was quite the test - we had to say Rabbit 15 times - 3 each for the month, the year, the decade, the century AND the millennium. Okay, maybe we didn't HAVE to, but we felt it would be a good insurance policy to do so, to help cover any forgotten months for the rest of our lives.

Well, even though I said my 15 Rabbits at 12:00:00 am on 01/01/00, clearly guaranteeing me a charmed remainder of life, I said three more this morning anyway.

And then I realized: when people ask when I'm due, my response is now "Next month."

What happened to "November" sounding so far away?

Nicky and Nate
34 weeks 5 days


Anonymous said...

I remembered this month too! I wonder if falling asleep after you say it (simply for snooze's sake) makes it not work. Damn I hope not.

Bobbie said...

And I forgot ... Oct. 1 just "snuck right up on me"! ARGH!!!!

NEXT MONTH!!!! YIKES!!!! Before we know it, it'll be "NEXT WEEK"!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is THAT why you said Rabbit so many times at the 1999 New Year's Eve party? And I thought it might have had something to do with the glass shard ridden champagne that your husband served us...

Anonymous said...

what kind of rabbit is in that picture?