Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Christmas Story

All I wanted for Christmas 2007 was for
my son to be healthy
my son to smile
and to eat freshly baked cinnamon rolls

But you know how every year, there's one gift you really want, but don't dare to ask for, because you know you should just be thankful for what you have, because the season is about giving, not receiving, and because who do you think you are, making a grocery list of things you want for Christmas, expecting Santa to make special exceptions for you?

So you tell yourself that really, you'll be okay if you don't get it, that really, you are thankful for all the wonderful other things you've gotten, and that really, you enjoy seeing the delight on people's faces when you give them the gifts that you thought of especially for them.

And you tuck that special Christmas wish away in your heart, never to utter to anyone what a grandiose wish a soul like you would ever harbor.

Well, I will admit to having a wish like that this Christmas. It was only an addendum to the list that existed in my head. I would have denied it if anyone accused me of having such wanton desires. Even though my former self would have considered this a rather modest request.

But here I am, teary as I reflect on my moment of realization this morning when I saw that my secret wish had come true.

As I woke from the sound of my son crying, I squinted at the red glowing numbers of the alarm clock, and calculated. He knew that my true Christmas wish was for him to sleep for 6 hours in a row. And sleep for 6 hours he did.

Merry Christmas to all
and to all a good night.



Anonymous said...

And Merry Christmas to you and your husband and Son!

Bobbie said...

Oh, Nick! I couldn't be happier for you!!! My heart is filled with joy for you, and Nate, and Webber! And, for all of us that you share your love and life with. Bless us, every one!